Fetco D480, Thermal Dispenser

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Delivery to by 18 Mar 25 - 25 Mar 25
Installation service is offered for orders valuing 100,000 and above.
- Country of Origin : USA
- Material : Stainless Steel
- Type : Thermal Dispenser

Fetco is one of the leading manufacturers of coffee and tea equipment. They are known for developing a range of revolutionary technologies for their brewing systems such as the Temperature on Demand (TOD) Technology and the Cascading Spray Dome, which delivers the best uniformity of extraction in the filter coffee industry. Fetco equipment is designed to be energy-efficient, its systems can save up to 63% on iced tea brewers and up to 61% on hot water dispensers in comparison to similar equipment on the market. The company has a global presence and is known for having the best filter coffee equipment on the market.